Federal Agencies
RES is a national leader in nature-based solutions, delivering ecological restoration, water resources mitigation, and water quality offsets for many federal agencies. As both prime and subcontractor, RES has completed projects supporting federal infrastructure, flood resiliency, and post-hurricane recovery.
RES collaborates with agencies to enhance climate resiliency and adaptation plans through nature-based approaches. These efforts include protecting coastal assets such as ports and naval facilities with living shorelines, improving water quality through green infrastructure, and promoting species conservation through habitat restoration. Projects align with specific agency mandates, such as NEPA and Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans, and often involve mission-driven terrestrial and aquatic habitat restoration through fish passage and dam removal initiatives.
RES has extensive federal contracting experience with a range of clients, including the Department of Defense (NAVFAC, Air Force, Army), Environmental Protection Agency, General Services Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Park Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and US Forest Service.

State, County & Municipal Agencies
Many state and local governments are confronting the growing challenges created by stormwater-related issues, aging infrastructure, and fiscal uncertainty. Whether complying with the Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) or addressing Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) issues, public sector entities face increased scrutiny while managing limited funding resources. Public demand is also growing for green infrastructure and its broad benefits.
RES utilizes nature-based Best Management Practices (BMPs) and cutting-edge technology for capital projects and pollution reductions at no risk to your locality. We are uniquely structured to satisfy municipal separate stormwater sewer system (MS4) and TMDL permits and goals through green infrastructure, stream restoration, and proven BMPs. This structure allows for the elimination of multiple RFP processes and a sole-provider relationship that is beneficial to the community and those it serves.
Data Centers
The computing centers that power our lives, and our local economies, often have the challenge of large footprints with respect to energy use, water consumption and potential impacts on streams, wetlands and sensitive species.
Data centers are usually not isolated facilities, but part of a larger company-owned campus or emerging industrial park. It takes coordination between land development and siting professionals and sustainability champions to start early in the process, working on solutions for both mitigation and potential water stewardship and campus resiliency park features.
RES can help with integrated solutions for mitigation, flood resiliency and corporate water stewardship. These solutions can be paced to align with development roadmaps, and have combined features that ultimately provide cost savings.

Across the U.S., infrastructure investments are increasingly needed to address added capacity, state of good repair, and safety. Governmental entities are making significant investments in our infrastructure, but must often balance funding with community needs and the environment.
A result of this important and necessary development, these infrastructure improvements often impact critical lands as well as create stormwater runoff leading to increased amounts of pollutants entering our country’s wetlands and waterways. Additionally, forest clearing for linear corridors may impact endangered or threatened species.
Compliance with state and federal regulations includes using environmental offsets created using natural, land-based solutions including changing agricultural practices within the watershed where the surface is developed.
RES provides ecological restoration and water resource solutions to address these challenges.
Commercial Development
Ongoing commercial development is a crucial component in a thriving economy. As our economies evolve, these projects often result in the development of facilities, like warehouses and factories, in rapidly growing areas. They typically bring about additional induced development, like roads and other supporting infrastructure.
These activities all require consideration of impacts to the built environment and require practices to ensure these impacts are minimized. RES supports commercial and residential developers by providing reliable, cost-effective ecological and water resource solutions to aid in permitting their projects.
Similarly, RES can support manufacturing plant construction, whose project footprints may impact ecosystems, including impervious surfaces that cause stormwater runoff.

Renewable Energy
Wind and solar power projects cover native landscapes, producing sustainable energy to sate growing demand.
As development of these renewable facilities increases, they face increasing scrutiny around vegetation management. In addition, renewable project footprints often have unavoidable impacts to wetlands, and their vertical, rotating components may affect some endangered, threatened, or protected species. In addition to these facilities, these projects often require appurtenant transmission infrastructure, requiring the development of additional corridors.
Whether supporting pollinator habitat or mitigating for wetland and species unavoidable impacts, RES ecological solutions match the scale needed for regulatory compliance with predictable, successful ecological outcomes.
Oil, gas, and other pipelines are typically constructed in linear corridors with permanent and temporary disturbances to the built environment.
These projects often optimize their alignment to minimize impacts, but compensatory mitigation is required at times to comply with various regulations addressing unavoidable impacts to wetlands, streams, and threatened and endangered species habitats.
These projects often span large geographies and are regulated by a multitude of agencies, are highly visible, and are increasingly scrutinized.
RES is the leader in providing ecological solutions to address the various mitigation requirements associated with the construction and O&M for pipelines.

Oil & Gas
Increased regulatory agency scrutiny of oil and gas operators developing U.S. onshore resources has heightened operator awareness of regulatory and permitting processes. Company executives, EH&S managers, and resource play, and asset managers alike are faced with wide-ranging perceptions of industry’s view of environmental issues.
The oil and gas industry is subject to various environmental regulations, like the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act.
RES provides project impact analyses to understand and offset natural resource impacts to streamline the permitting process for project development activities.
RES is the energy industry’s leading supplier of ecological solutions.
Power & Utilities
Generating and delivering electric power, gas, water, and other resources to growing communities means protecting current assets and carefully planning system expansions.
New projects often have linear corridor impacts and intersect wetlands and waterbodies. Ecological impacts often require compensatory wetland, stream, and habitat offsets, also called mitigation, to enable compliance. Existing infrastructure may need asset protection in the form of coastal resiliency or storm surge mitigation.
RES is the nation’s leader in supplying ecological solutions for linear projects such as transmission line expansions, capacity improvements, and O&M activities.