At RES, we want human progress and the earth to be better for future generations.

Ecological restoration helps that happen by creating a resilient world, project by project.

Doubling down on nature’s own processes, we lift impaired ecosystems into restored health and ultimately, self-sufficiency.

From there, they can play the roles nature intended – cleansing water, sheltering wildlife, buffering storms and filtering carbon from the atmosphere.

It’s the resiliency we must have as a planet, alongside responsible human progress.


careers & culture


At RES, we are long-term stewards of the earth.

“How do we make this site thrive over the long-term?”

It’s the non-stop question at RES, for every team member.

We answer it with the industry’s most accomplished business model for project stewardship.

And by tailoring each project with a team of stewards that draws from the industry’s most creative and innovative talent pool.



Where resiliency matters most.

Ecological challenges are woven into land-use decisions. Both are highly local, and only growing in complexity.

Whatever the locale, clients and local stakeholders can count on RES for a science-led approach to mitigation, stormwater, and climate adaptation solutions.

And whatever kind of ecological uplift is called for – we guarantee the performance of our projects. It’s how resiliency serves community, for generations to come.