Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Resiliency
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) projects have a role in flood resiliency. RES excels at making them function as planned, supporting long-term sustainability of natural and built infrastructure.

Nature-based solutions are all we do.
RES is 100% focused on building NbS projects, which inherently support resiliency and climate adaptation. Working as an integrated team, we design, build, and sustain our sites over time to ensure performance.
This integrated-delivery approach means RES can take on the inherent risk of working with nature, and we guarantee our projects will meet performance criteria. Communities and resiliency agencies can augment their plans with projects that are essentially risk-free.
Explore Resiliency Solutions on our Interactive landscape map.
Inland flooding: Where NbS solutions excel
In suburban and rural areas, RES helps revive the natural functioning of streams and wetlands to help dissipate stormwater flows before they reach more populated areas. Stream and floodplain restoration reduce flooding impacts while often providing community amenities such as bike trails and greenways.
In urban environments, a range of projects can boost resiliency, including stormwater detention and retention ponds, rain gardens and vegetative buffers.

Coastal stability: Defending against storm surges and erosion
Revitalizing coastal wetlands helps buffer storm surges. Using natural materials to create living shorelines reduces erosion from the lower-energy waves along river and bayline shores.
Built structures such as dunes, terraces and wave attenuation projects help protect coastlines from higher-energy waves.
These and other coastal restoration applications also improve water quality and support marine habitats. They often work in conjunction with – and further protect – built infrastructure that is part of a region’s master plan for resiliency.
Water supply: Storage, cleaner water, and groundwater recharge potential
Stream and floodplain restoration slow down water, creating the conditions for aquifer recharge while also removing harmful sediments. Wetlands filter out pollutants using natural processes.
Protecting a community’s water supply is not only a common municipal mandate, but is increasingly championed by corporations seeking to be good citizens of water stewardship. RES can often help locate blended funding to support public/private partnerships around water stewardship and resiliency projects.

Solutions Concepts |
Advantages |
Unique NbS Benefits |
Natural defenses that become self-sustaining ecosystems. |
What RES stands for… |
Resiliency projects with performance guarantees. |