RES Receives 2015 Business Achievement Award
February 17, 2016
RES is pleased to announce receipt of Environmental Business Journal’s 2015 Award for Project Merit. The Robinson Fork Mitigation Bank restoration project is the largest stream restoration project of its kind in the country. RES’ multi-phase project activities include restoring and preserving over 40 miles of self-sustaining, functional headwaters, main-stem streams and their tributaries and their associated wetlands and riparian corridors across the Robinson Fork watershed in southwestern Pennsylvania.
This unique ecological restoration project improves water quality throughout Washington County, encourages aquatic life through restored streams and wetlands and provides new roosting habitat for the endangered Indiana bat and threatened Northern long-eared bat species. Restoration of the Robinson Fork watershed focuses on creation of an integrated stream and floodplain system; restoring localized groundwater aquifers, reconnecting floodplains to the water table and streams; optimizing and diversifying habitat and creating a hydrologic system that allows for retention of nutrients, stream bed material and organic carbon. The planned restoration approach provides the basis for the continued evolution of ecological complexity and long-term stability at the site.
RES’ in-house land team assembled the contiguous, multi-parcel project Bank site. A collaborative effort by over 50 RES Pennsylvania staff and partner team members, including regulatory and permitting specialists, project managers, biologists, hydrologists, field technicians, and equipment operators is now underway executing site-specific activities.
Elliott Bouillion, RES president and CEO said, “the Robinson Fork project was the key milestone of the year for RES. Approval of this complex project is a testament to the RES team’s dedicated effort to deliver responsible stewardship on a landscape scale. The project is based on sound science and engineering with all restored lands protected from development in perpetuity. We are proud to receive the EBJ Business Achievement award recognizing this tremendous effort.”
Environmental Business Journal® (EBJ), a business research publication which provides high value strategic business intelligence to the environmental industry, has honored 56 companies for revenue growth, acquisitions, innovative project designs, technology applications, new practice areas, social contributions and industry leadership in 2015.
The 2015 EBJ awards will be presented at a special ceremony at the Environmental Industry Summit XIV in San Diego, Calif. on March 9-11, 2016. The Environmental Industry Summit is an annual three-day executive retreat hosted by EBI Inc.