Places > City of Miami Beach, Environmental Engineering Continuing Services
City of Miami Beach, Environmental Engineering Continuing Services

Project Type
Non-Bank ProjectLocation
Florida | Miami-Dade CountySolution
Advisory ServicesRES (formerly E Sciences) was awarded a contract with the City of Miami Beach to conduct environmental/coastal engineering services. To date, our team has provided the City with multiple services, including the following:
- Groundwater Elevation Monitoring and Mapping Support, Sunset Harbor: Evaluated the soil storage capacity within this area to support the design and installation of a stormwater management system.
- Sea Level Rise Evaluation: Evaluated low-lying areas vulnerable to flooding and SLR within Miami Beach based on the assumption that groundwater levels were tidally influenced and flooding was influenced or exacerbated by tidal fluctuations.
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans: Prepared SPCC Plans for 12 facilities throughout Miami Beach. These facilities included pump stations, fire stations, public works yard, Miami Beach Golf Club, and the Convention Center.
- Green Waste Facility: This site was an undeveloped, bermed area previously used for solid waste management, and a portion of the area contained buried debris. Conducted environmental services to evaluate the top two feet of soil layer covering the berm.
- Fleet Management Facility: Conducted groundwater and soil assessment activities at the active City’s fleet management facility to evaluate the presence of contamination associated with a historical petroleum discharge documented in 1992.
- Street Tree Inventory: Conducted six phases of street tree inventories for the City of Miami Beach, with more than 49,000 trees inventoried using sub-meter accurate global positioning equipment.
- Greenspace Canopy Assessment: Using i-Tree Canopy and i-Tree Vue, assessed the extent of the City’s urban forest canopy and the ecological services provided by the trees.
- Miami Beach Convention Center Adjacent Properties Environmental Site Assessments:
- Conducted a Phase I&II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for land parcels adjacent to the Miami Beach Convention Center (MBCC) to support intended redevelopment.
- Proposed Miami Beach Convention Center Headquarter Hotel Assessment: Conducted a limited site assessment, including a soil and groundwater sampling, and confirmed the presence of localized soil arsenic impacts and nitrate concentrations above groundwater cleanup criteria at the site.
- Carl Fisher Seawall State Permitting Support: The Carl Fisher Clubhouse was constructed in 1916 and is the oldest public standing structure in Miami Beach. It is on the National Register of Historic Places and is a locally designated historic structure. As part of the restoration of the Clubhouse and to protect this historic resource, the City also needed to repair the seawall on Collins Canal, which was severely deteriorated. Mangroves had recruited to the area. RES performed a field assessment with the SFWMD, performed an impact evaluation and functional assessment of the mangroves, and acquired the Environmental Resource Permit from SFWMD. Permitting required coordination with the State Division of Historical Resources and reservation of saltwater mitigation credits from the Everglades Mitigation Bank.
- Mooring Field Feasibility Study: Guided the establishment of a managed mooring field in an unregulated anchorage area in Biscayne Bay and assisted the City through the regulatory permitting process.
- Baywalk Benthic Resources Survey, Environmental Engineering Continuing Services: The City of Miami Beach is proposing to construct a Baywalk on Biscayne Bay from 10th Street to 12th Street, a length of approximately 1,000 linear feet. This is the first section of the Baywalk that is over the water that is being permitted. RES subcontracted coastal, structural and geotechnical engineering to complete the design. Several species of seagrass were present in the project area. Coral species and incidental observations of aquatic wildlife were also recorded. RES prepared an Environmental Summary Report and the environmental resource permit applications.
- Normandy Shores Golf Course Groundwater Monitoring: Engaged by the City of Miami Beach to implement the required groundwater monitoring based on the documented presence of arsenic impacts at the Normandy Shores Golf Course.
- 10th Street Terminus Water Quality Sampling: Collected water quality samples and reviewed activities in the area to document if residual impacts from the alleged discharge existed in this area.
- Emergency Surface Water Bacteria Sampling: Collected surface water samples on an emergency basis to evaluate the presence of enterococci and fecal coliform resulting from sanitary sewer leaks.