CMCD Immokalee Hanger

Project Type
Non-Bank ProjectLocation
Florida | Collier CountySolution
Natural Resource RestorationSpecies
Gopher tortoiseRES conducted the environmental assessment work for the proposed development in the southwest portion of Immokalee Airport, Collier County, Florida. The project area encompassed approximately 23 acres and is located within the Airport Operations Planned Unit Development (AOPUD) District.
The environmental review process followed the Collier County Environmental Review Guidebook guidelines and included several key activities. These activities involved a thorough desktop review focusing on wetlands, wildlife (including listed species), and contamination assessments. Our team then integrated the data from the desktop review with the existing land cover data to create an initial list of potentially listed species on the site. Later, RES ecologists compared the list with the field conditions during a subsequent on-site inspection.
In summary, RES’s field inspection identified two gopher tortoises and 15 potentially active tortoise burrows within the proposed development boundary. We also noted one site with a medium-ranked contamination level, and no wetlands were found on-site.