Continuing Contract for Environmental Engineering Services

Project Type
Non-Bank ProjectLocation
Florida | City of Pompano Beach and Community Redevelopment Agency | Pompano Beach, FLSolution
Advisory ServicesSince 2010, RES, previously E Sciences, has provided environmental engineering support to the City of Pompano Beach and the CRA. RES has conducted several projects under this contract, including the following:
Sabal Golf Course Brownfield Cleanup
The City engaged RES to complete a contamination assessment and facilitate cleanup activities on this contaminated golf course. Using historic assessments compiled by others, RES conducted additional assessments, developed the remediation plan and bidding scope, and assisted the City with hiring a contractor to implement the remediation. RES provided consulting and oversight throughout the remedial activities and the follow-up regulatory coordination and reporting. This $1M cleanup was completed within two months (over holidays) for the City to maximize the financial benefits of the Brownfields program. The project was approved for conditional closure.
Palm Aire Lakes Water Quality Assessment
RES prepared a water quality “snapshot” of the lakes within Palm Aire Country Club for the City. This project was conducted to support the City’s potential acquisition of the stormwater lakes and to assist the City in determining if they were discharging pollutants into an adjacent SFWMD canal. The parameters analyzed were selected based on historical land and FDEP rules.
Corner of Atlantic Avenue/West Dixie Highway
This assemblage includes numerous parcels owned by the CRA and adjacent properties owned by others. RES conducted Phase I and Phase II ESAs on the multiple parcels. The Phase I ESA revealed RECs related to historical land uses, such as dry cleaners, gasoline stations, blueprints and photostat businesses, auto sales, and service centers with historic underground storage tanks and lumber yards. The site was determined to be contaminated by the historic dry cleaner.
RES prepared a site development evaluation for this property, guiding the CRA on how the presence of contamination could impact site redevelopment and setting forth strategies for minimizing the impact of contamination on construction, designing the site to minimize the impact of construction and site development, and reducing potential risks.
Dixie Highway NEPA Evaluations
Our team conducted NEPA evaluations on two segments of Dixie Highway within the City to support the City’s applications to the Federal Highway Administration for infrastructure improvements, including improving safety for alternative modes of transportation, landscape and streetscape improvements, and access to transit.
Community Gardens Parcels
RES evaluated the suitability of three vacant, CRA-owned parcels for use as community gardens for a local school. The community gardens will be used to teach children about agriculture and healthy food choices. Vegetables grown on these lots will be used to provide fresh vegetables for families and children in the community. Incremental sampling methodology was used for soil assessment at this site resulting in several thousands of dollars in savings for the CRA.
Martin Luther King Boulevard NEPA Review
RES prepared the Type I and Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Checklist and Memo for this streetscape improvement project between NW 31st Avenue and Powerline Road. This project is one segment of a planned, multi-city education corridor partially funded through the FDOT Local Agency Program (LAP). The environmental review included coordination with the State Historic Preservation Office regarding a potentially historic site and an inventory of community and cultural resources.
SW 36th Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Path LAP Project Design and Permitting
In addition to the work conducted under this CRA contract, RES assisted with the environmental permitting for a pedestrian path project for the City. Tasks included conducting field assessments of wetland and tree impacts, assisting with permit application packages, and coordinating with the permitting agencies and FDOT.
Blanche Ely and Adjacent Parcels
RES assessed this property, which consists of 27 parcels in the CRA. Historic land uses such as dry cleaners, an automotive repair facility, and a UST were identified as RECs. Phase II testing indicated the presence of chlorinated solvents at this property. RES further assisted the CRA in determining the best way to utilize the information in the context of the CRA’s plans for future redevelopment.
Mallek Property
RES performed a Phase I and Phase II ESA of multiple acres of urban land purchased by the Pompano Beach CRA to evaluate potential environmental concerns. The Phase I ESA revealed the possible presence of historic USTs and contamination associated with the historical land use. Phase II services included a geophysical survey, as well as soil and groundwater testing. A UST was discovered during the Phase II ESA. RES guided the CRA on the proper regulatory course of action to remove the UST and move forward with the purchase and redevelopment of the Site.
Broward Community & Family Health Center
RES prepared Environmental Information and Documentation to satisfy Health Resources and Services Administration grant application requirements. The project was conducted to support the potential redevelopment of CRA parcels with a much-needed community health care facility. The documentation was required for the grant applicant to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act.