Dover Farm Wetland Mitigation Bank
Credit Sales Coordinator, Virginia

Service area
Project Type
Mitigation BankLocation
Virginia | Chesapeake CountyService Area
Chesapeake BayProject Size
- Wetland: 1030.72 AC
Wetland and Stream MitigationHabitat Types
- Bottomland Hardwood Forest
- Marsh
- Riparian
- Wetland
Canebrake rattlesnakeAsk About Credits
The Dover Farm Mitigation Bank site was established in 2008, to compensate for unavoidable impacts to, and to conserve and protect Waters of the U.S. Servicing HUC 03010205, the wetland bank consists of 966 acres and is located on the west side of the Dismal Swamp Canal in Chesapeake, VA. This bank site is located within the historic Dismal Swamp and portions of the bank site drain to the Dismal Swamp Canal. The Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge abuts the property to the north and to the west. The tract is known locally as the Dover Farm. The Bank property includes approximately 243.3 acres of wetland preservation, 686.1 acres of wetland restoration, and 33.5 acres of upland. The property was farmed until 2009 when restoration began. Restoration included the filling of internal ditches with material taken from the remnants of the airfield, construction of a water control structure in the northeast corner of the property, and replanting of approximately 200,000 trees.