Environmental Site Assessment and Remediation

Project Type
Non-Bank ProjectLocation
Florida | Orange CountySolution
Advisory ServicesUnder this contract, RES provides a range of environmental services, including:
Due Diligence for Roadway Improvement Projects
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) were conducted per ASTM E1527-21 to support County land acquisition for road projects at various locations. When recognized environmental conditions (RECs) were identified, Phase II ESAs were implemented, including soil and groundwater sampling.
In-Place UST Closures
Soil and groundwater sampling and subcontractor oversight were performed for the in-place closure of underground storage tanks (USTs) at multiple facilities. Activities included sampling around USTs, abandonment with foam, and preparing closure reports for submission to FDEP.
UST Removals
Soil and groundwater sampling and closure documentation were managed for UST removals at five facilities. Tasks included excavation, groundwater monitoring well installation, and reporting in compliance with FDEP guidelines.
Emergency Response Services
Emergency response services addressed oil and hazardous material spills in Orange County rights-of-way. Tasks included material removal, soil excavation, wastewater disposal, and surface water protection, with detailed reports and waste manifests prepared.
Fire Station #20 Remediation
A Remedial Action Plan (RAP) was implemented for a petroleum-contaminated site using in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and Natural Attenuation Monitoring (NAM). Activities included groundwater monitoring, injection events, and modifications to address additional impacts.
Pine Hills Road Landfill East
Post-closure and Corrective Action Permit renewal was managed for this closed landfill. Annual groundwater monitoring, landfill inspections, maintenance reporting, and financial assurance documentation were also conducted.
Green PLACE Program
Over 15 Phase I ESAs were completed for approximately 1,000 acres of environmentally sensitive lands. Phase II ESAs, including soil and groundwater sampling, were conducted when RECs were identified.
SPCC Plans
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans and five-year updates were developed for County-owned facilities in compliance with U.S. EPA regulations.
Hurricane Debris Staging Site Sampling
Soil sampling was conducted at a 10-acre hurricane debris staging site, with analyses for RCRA metals, VOCs, and SVOCs performed per FDEP disaster debris management guidelines.