Places > Jose Marti Park Adaptive Re-Design

Jose Marti Park Adaptive Re-Design


Desmond Duke

Client Solutions Manager

Jose Marti Park Adaptive Re-Design, before restoration the site experienced frequent flooding

Jose Marti Park Adaptive Re-Design, before restoration the site experienced frequent flooding

Jose Marti Park Adaptive Re-Design, green infrastructure retrofits

Jose Marti Park Adaptive Re-Design, rendering


Project Type
Non-Bank Project
Florida | City of Miami
  • Advisory Services
  • Resiliency
Ecological Setting
  • Coastal Systems
  • Urban

RES is providing services for the Jose Marti Park adaptive re-design in Downtown Miami, a ±13-acre riverfront park that faces challenges like tidal flooding during King Tides, hurricane season, intensified storms, and sea level rise. With a focus on resiliency, RES is designing a model/tool kit to adapt the waterfront to existing and future sea level rise, which can be replicated for other properties along the Miami River and in coastal Florida.

In collaboration with our team, RES led the design for civil engineering and nature-based project elements, encompassing innovative stormwater retrofits, water quality treatment, and environmental considerations like living shorelines, green infrastructure, resiliency, and ecosystem restoration. RES is responsible for environmental permitting stormwater features and implementing low-impact development (LID) stormwater retrofits. The design incorporates LID principles, merging stormwater management with functional environmental art and public education. Flood prevention measures will be installed, including tidal backflow prevention valves on existing outfalls and deep drainage wells, which can combat saltwater intrusion.

The project is part of the City of Miami Forever Bond program and has secured grants for various components. Its goals include improving pedestrian waterfront access, fostering social interaction, equity, business development (economy), and ecology, and enhancing the district’s flood reduction and water quality. In 2021, a substantial CBDG grant of approximately $14 million was awarded for the project’s construction. In 2023, $4 million was awarded from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

In 2023, the Jose Marti Park Adaptive Re-Design project became a WEDG® (Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines) Verified site by the Waterfront Alliance and is the first project in Florida to achieve this verification.

Services included:
  • environmental site analysis and impact evaluations
  • vulnerability assessments
  • resiliency planning
  • drainage evaluation, stormwater modeling, permitting, and stormwater management design
  • sea level rise adaptive design
  • ecological evaluations, such as tree inventory and Florida bonneted bat study
  • green infrastructure inventory, assessment, and design
  • civil engineering plans, review coordination, and approvals
  • grant support
  • WEDG documentation for verification