Places > Pea Hill Branch Stream Restoration

Pea Hill Branch Stream Restoration


Maryland | Prince George's County
Project Size
Streams: 4,560 LF
Nutrient Reduction (TMDL), Stormwater Management & Water Quality
Habitat Types
  • Stream
  • Urban


Kristen Keene

M: 443.613.4492

The Pea Hill Branch Project aims to stabilize and restore 4,560 linear feet of a straight, moderately wide, low-slope valley. The existing stream within this valley is deeply incised and highly entrenched, with actively eroding banks. Pea Hill Branch and its unnamed tributary (UNT) drain approximately 87 acres of densely developed residential property at the project’s terminus.

Construction began in March 2024 and is scheduled for completion in early fall 2024. RES anticipates that the restoration efforts will achieve significant annual reductions of 284 pounds of phosphorus, 554 tons of sediment, and 760 pounds of nitrogen, resulting in over 500 Impervious Acre Credits.