Pleasant Point Living Shoreline

Pleasant Point Living Shoreline, during construction

Pleasant Point Living Shoreline, during construction

Pleasant Point Living Shoreline, during construction

Pleasant Point Living Shoreline, during construction

Pleasant Point Living Shoreline, during construction

Pleasant Point Living Shoreline, during construction
Project Type
Non-Bank ProjectLocation
Virginia | City of NorfolkSolution
ResiliencyEcological Setting
Coastal SystemsThe Pleasant Point Living Shoreline Project in Norfolk protects adjacent properties, reduces erosion, and filters pollutants from the water.
The project’s primary focus was on the eastern branch of the Elizabeth River, where the shoreline was quickly eroding. Its goal was to restore the natural wetland system by providing a nature-based solution to repair and protect the shoreline.
The project involved the installation of 370 linear feet of stone sills, sand backfill, 12 linear feet of 24″ RCP pipe, a new endwall, and planting trees, shrubs, and grasses.
As a result of this project, 270 linear feet of shoreline were protected, 185 linear feet of shoreline were restored, and 0.14 acres of created tidal wetlands were established. These restored wetlands will provide aquatic animals and plants with habitat, ultimately improving the local ecosystem’s health.
However, the project had its challenges. Working almost entirely in the water and around the tide schedule with minimal stockpile area posed significant logistical challenges for the crew. Additionally, the work was performed along a highly traveled residential roadway, which further complicated the project’s execution. The crew had to carefully plan material deliveries and work around the daily tide schedule. Due to the limited stockpile area, the crew staged material in the water, making the project more challenging.
Despite these challenges, the Pleasant Point Living Shoreline Project was successfully completed, providing a sustainable solution to shore protection and enhancing the health of the local ecosystem.
In 2023, the project was recognized by the Heavy Construction Contractors Association (HCCA) for an Excellence in Infrastructure Award.