Places > Sabine Lake Mitigation Bank

Sabine Lake Mitigation Bank


Tanner Garth

Client Solutions Manager


Project Type
Mitigation Bank
Texas | Jefferson County
Service Area
12040201-Sabine Lake | 12020007-Pine Island Bayou | 1202003-Lower Neches
Project Size
  • Wetland: 127.27 AC
Wetland and Stream Mitigation
Habitat Types
  • Bottomland Hardwood Forest
  • Wetland
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Established in 2021, the goal of the Sabine Lake Mitigation Bank is to provide appropriate compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to wetlands authorized by the USACE within the Sabine Lake watershed and adjacent areas.

The bank reestablished approximately 127 acres of forested wetlands by:

  • Restoring natural site hydrology by filling artificial drains, levees, and berms
  • Managing invasive plant species through prescribed burns, mowing, and herbicide application
  • Planting 10 native tree seedling species, including willow oak, cherry-bark oak, laurel oak, and water oak