Places > Tributary to Mattawoman Creek

Tributary to Mattawoman Creek


Maryland | Prince George's County
Project Size
Streams: 4,926 LF LF
Nutrient Reduction (TMDL), Stormwater Management & Water Quality


RES is providing stream restoration credits to Prince George’s County Maryland Clean Water Partnership (CWP) program. The CWP is a Public-Private Partnership formed to meet the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Water regulatory requirements. The projects delivered through this contract will be enrolled as part of Prince George’s County Bay TMDL Action Plan, with associated nutrient reductions credited toward compliance with the Bay TMDL. The Tributary to Mattawoman Stream Restoration Project restored 4,926 LF of degraded stream channel, generating 98.53 Equivalent Impervious Acre Credits for CWP / Prince George’s County.  

To execute this project RES performed existing site assessments and geomorphic surveys. Using this data along with Natural Channel Design philosophies and published reference data, RES designed bankfull channels that provided stable banks and frequent floodplain connectivity. RES designed full realignments of the streams to achieve proper stream sequencing and stable channel geometry. Additionally, RES ensured that there were no offsite floodplain rises and performed all necessary hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. RES acquired all state, federal, and local permits necessary to execute the proposed work.  

Upon completion of the design and permitting, RES’ construction staff used a team of subcontractors and in-house construction crews to execute the project. Construction began in January 2021 and was substantially complete by May 2021. During construction, RES’ design staff remained an integral part of the team making frequent site visits, attending multiple site meetings, and ensuring the proper execution of the design.