USACE, Key Biscayne 145-Acre Seagrass Assessment

Divers coordinating at Key Biscayne

A yellow stringray (urobatis jamaicensis) observed along a transect

recording the abundances of seagrass and algae and identifying species present within the survey area

reeling in a transect after completing a 300+ meter seagrass survey

reeling in a transect tape after finishing a SAV survey

Taking data at Key Biscayne
Project Type
Non-Bank ProjectLocation
Florida | Miami-Dade CountySolution
Advisory ServicesRES, formerly SWC, was charged with the highly detailed assessment of submerged aquatic vegetation along shorelines associated with the beach renourishment project. Work included a thorough review of the client-specified scope of work and field data sheets; oversight of full AAUS 4-person SCUBA dive team, boats, and operators conducting 143 transects with characterization, photos, and Braun Blanquet data was taken every five meters. The team prepared a final report that was fully approved by USACE.