Company News > Halo Ranch Mitigation Bank Approved

Halo Ranch Mitigation Bank Approved

March 11, 2025

Finally, a Mitigation Bank in the North Bay Offering Tidal Wetland, Seasonal Wetland, Stream, and Riparian Credits

SACRAMENTO, CA – RES, a leader in ecological restoration and nature-based solutions, along with our client Halo Ranch, LLC, has received approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Halo Ranch Mitigation Bank. This newly approved mitigation bank, located in the North Bay (San Pablo Bay region) of San Francisco Bay, will provide credits for projects requiring mitigation for tidal wetlands, seasonal wetlands, non-perennial streams, and riparian habitat—supporting both small and large-scale developments.

Located within the Petaluma River Valley (the largest remaining natural tidal brackish marsh in California) and approximately 10 river miles upstream of its confluence with San Pablo Bay, the Halo Ranch Mitigation Bank, a 120-acre Wetland Restoration Project, will provide the following credit types:

  • Tidal wetland re-establishment – 4.61 acres
  • Tidal wetland rehabilitation – 54.97 acres
  • Seasonal wetland re-establishment – 42.47 acres
  • Seasonal wetland rehabilitation – 0.03 acres
  • Non-perennial stream rehabilitation – 0.53 acres (1,148.25 linear feet)
  • Non-wetland riparian establishment – 4.42 acres

At Halo Ranch, historic conditions will be restored by reconnecting tidal wetlands and wetland meadow floodplain hydrology while accounting for future sea level rise. Additionally, Wheat Creek, will be reconnected to its floodplain, allowing it to expand and naturally support seasonal wetlands and riparian corridors.

Halo Ranch Mitigation Bank provides compensatory mitigation credits that meet regulatory requirements under:

  • Sections 404 & 401 of the Clean Water Act
  • The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act

These credits support projects that must comply with federal and state regulations regarding impacts to wetlands, streams, and riparian habitats.

Contact us to see if we can add your threatened/endangered species credit needs (determined on a case-by-case basis).

For Bank and credit inquiries, please contact:

Mandi Martinez, Regional Client Solutions Manager |
AJ Ramon, West Coast Credit Sales Manager |
Teresa Padilla, Client Solutions Associate |

Learn more about the Halo Ranch Mitigation Bank project: