Cost-effective, Long-term Habitats
Projects involving utility-scale solar facilities or linear infrastructure such as transmission lines, pipelines, or new roads, must meet stormwater permitting requirements, which may include establishing a high percentage of native vegetation and minimizing erosion.
Meeting the increasing demand for successful pollinator habitats.
Increasingly, local communities are setting the expectation, particularly with large renewable facilities, that projects must include pollinator-friendly habitats, a term often defined in state legislation.
RES can help translate these demands into a cost-effective strategy to install a successful pollinator habitat around and within this important infrastructure.
Experts in native trees, plants and grasses.
We know native grasses and forbs, and we know planting. Nationwide, we’ve planted over 20 million trees and restored over 58,000 acres of wetlands and grasslands, leveraging our own nurseries and trusted relationships with seed suppliers.
In the words of the Executive Director of the Water Institute of the Gulf, “Your restorative grass and plant nursery is amazing. RES is truly ahead of its time!”
We can work effectively with your construction contractor to take on full responsibility for native vegetation establishment and NPDES compliance after initial stabilization.