Solutions > Nurseries



Ensuring a ready supply of native plant materials.

As part of our ecological restoration activities, we are able to aid America’s ongoing battle against wetland and land loss at scale. RES’ wetland, stream, coastal, prairie, estuary, marsh, and barrier restoration processes start at the source—with seeds.

RES leads the way in science-based native plant propagation. We offer the highest quality native seed and plants as well as the expertise to use and care for them.


Featured Nursery


Taylor Creek Restoration Nurseries, Wisconsin & Kansas





Plum Run, Pennsylvania

Supplying Appalachia with restorative plants

In 2015, we established our first nursery in Washington County. Since then, over 200,000 restoration stems have been grown, supplied, and planted to restore streams and wetlands throughout the area.

Pennsylvania Dept. of Ag. Nursery Certificate #: 0075PP


  • Container-grown native trees and shrubs
  • Native wetland species plugs

Magnolia, Texas

Supplying Texas with restorative plants

The 10-acre nursery located in Southwest Montgomery County and 25 miles from the Houston Central Business District was established in 2006. The nursery contains 30 species of marsh margin, shallow emergent, deep emergent, and floating/submerged native plants.

Originally operated by Apache Ecological Service, RES now oversees the licensing and operations.


  • Freshwater marsh habitat restoration
  • Coastal dune restoration
  • Invasive species eradication
  • Coastal estuarine marsh restoration
  • Contract grow capabilities
Women carrying foliage

Pointe Aux Chenes, Louisiana

Supplying the mid-Atlantic and Gulf Coast with restorative plants

The 20-acre nursery at Pointe Aux Chenes, was established in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana in 2008. Since then, over 3,500,000 restoration stems have been grown, supplied, and planted to restore the Gulf Coast’s fragile coastal barrier islands, estuaries, marshes, and wetlands.

Louisiana Contractor’s License: #51750


  • Project-specific grow-outs
  • Wetland restoration and resiliency
  • Habitat design-build



Mule Ridge, Indiana

Supplying the Midwest with native species

This nursery was put into production in the spring of 2020. In its initial year, 2,100 potted native trees were planted and used in reforestation projects on species mitigation sites throughout Indiana and Illinois.


Restorative Species


Native species that span the land.

With multiple greenhouses and multiple acre-sized sustainable growing ponds, RES propagates the trees, plants, and grasses that we deploy for our ecological offset supply activities, ensuring a ready supply of restorative plant materials. RES grows its own restorative native grasses, plants, and trees to ensure ecological integrity in its projects.

Some examples of native species RES grows and uses in its restoration sites include:

  • Bitter panicum
  • California bulrush
  • Gulf blue stem
  • Giant cut grass
  • Marshhay cordgrass
  • Smooth cordgrass
  • Sea oats
  • Seashore paspalum
  • Vetiver
  • Black mangrove
  • Bald cypress
  • Nutall oak
  • Swamp chestnut
  • Tupelo gum
  • Shumard oak
  • White oak
  • Water oak
  • Cherry bark