Places > Black Brook Realignment

Black Brook Realignment


Project Type
Non-Bank Project
New York | Seneca County
Environmental Mitigation


Jon Kasitz

As part of the permitted expansion and wetland mitigation of the Seneca Meadows Landfill, RES assisted with a stream re-location design and installed native seed and plants after the stream was relocated in 2.5 miles of new channel for Black Brook. The new stream channel was designed to flow around the largest landfill in the state.

Restoration of the stream was designed to emulate its historic flow and involved stabilizing both banks, primarily through the use of native vegetation and temporary erosion control measures. RES crews enhanced 350 acres of forested floodplain by removing invasive species and installing native seed and more than 55,000 plant plugs. More than 25 acres of erosion control mat was installed in seeded areas.

A section of the original channel was re-meandered as a tributary to Black Brook to function as a biofiltration stream and floodplain, capturing sediment from discharge flows from a landfill sediment basin.

RES continues to monitor the site’s hydrology, flora, and fauna and provides management for invasive species, erosion, and wildlife activity.

Land & Water Magazine: Black Brook Takes a Challenging New Route