Places > Blackburn Conservation Bank

Blackburn Conservation Bank


Credit Sales Coordinator, West Coast


Project Type
Conservation Bank
California | Tehama County
Species Habitat Mitigation
Vernal pool fairy shrimp
West Coast Credit Catalog
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The approximately 631-acre Blackburn Vernal Pool Conservation Bank consists of preserved vernal pool, vernal swale, and upland habitats. The Bank supports 23.56-acres of vernal pools, 16.67-acres vernal swales, 4.48-acres of reservoir, 1.24-acres of ephemeral drainage, 7.25-acres of intermittent drainage, and 577.55-acres of annual grassland.

The Bank was approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and provides vernal pool preservation credits for unavoidable permitted impacts to vernal pool fairy shrimp within the Northwestern Sacramento Valley Vernal Pool Region as established by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The service area covers portions of Tehama, Shasta, Glenn, Butte, and Colusa Counties.

The Conservation Bank is preserved by a permanent conservation easement and management and monitoring is funded in perpetuity by an endowment.

Available Credits Types

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