Places > Blackjack Creek Mitigation Site

Blackjack Creek Mitigation Site


Project Type
Mitigation Bank
Washington | Kitsap County
Environmental Mitigation, Wetland Mitigation
Habitat Types
  • Riparian re-establishment
  • Riparian wetland
  • Sage scrub habitat
  • Seasonal wetland re-establishment
  • Seasonal wetlands
  • Stream
  • Wetland
Download the West Coast Credit Catalog

The Blackjack Creek Washington State Department of Transportation SR-16 Offsite Mitigation was originally permitted in 2008 and is currently in the 12th year of monitoring. Since RES took ownership of the site in 2021, we have been completing regular monitoring and maintenance to steward the nearly 10 acres of wetland habitat. These wetlands today are dominated by a mixture of native and exotic vegetation, including Sitka willow (Salix sitchensis) and Pacific willow (S. lucida spp. lasiandra) that provide rich habitat for beavers, migratory birds, and other wildlife. The presence of beavers on the property, who we like to think of as our partners in ecosystem engineering and design, has helped maintain natural hydrologic connectivity between Blackjack Creek and its surrounding wetlands and ensure the continued successful function of the mitigation project. RES ecologists conduct biological inspections, regular walking surveys, and collect drone-based imagery to ensure proper function and observe the natural succession of this beautiful and rugged wetland site.