Places > Butler’s Bridge Park Stream Restoration

Butler’s Bridge Park Stream Restoration


Credit Sales Coordinator, Georgia


Project Type
Non-Bank Project
Georgia | Henry County
Project Size
  • Streams: 600 LF
Water Quality
Ecological Setting

The Henry County Stormwater Department selected RES to design and construct 600 linear feet of stream restoration within Butler’s Bridge Park. Henry County owns the 43-acre tract along Butler Bridge Road, which was acquired using funds from the Georgia General Assembly’s Greenspace Program. This property is deed-restricted for passive recreation and conservation use and has remained undeveloped since its purchase in 2004.

The project’s first phase is set to be funded by GOSP grant funds and includes the design and restoration of a perennial stream within the County-owned tract that discharges to the impaired South River. The South River tributary stream exhibits signs of erosion, entrenchment, loss of floodplain connectivity, and overgrown stream buffers with invasive species.

As the awarded contractor, RES will conduct Priority 1 stream restoration along 600 linear feet of the tributary stream. This work aims to restore a more natural sinuosity and elevation and reconnect the stream to the floodplain. As part of the stream restoration, RES will remove invasive plant species from stream buffers and replace them with native vegetation, returning the site to a more natural stream complex and promoting increased biodiversity and wildlife utilization.