Places > Center Bayou Wetland Mitigation Bank

Center Bayou Wetland Mitigation Bank


Brittany Lancon

Senior Solutions Analyst

Center Bayou Mitigation Bank

Center Bayou Mitigation Bank


Project Type
Mitigation Bank
Louisiana | Grant Parish
Service Area
11140207-Lower Red-Lake Iatt | 11140208-Saline Bayou | 11140209-Black Lake Bayou
Project Size
  • Wetland: 2,275.2 AC
Wetland and Stream Mitigation
Habitat Types
  • Bottomland Hardwood Forest
  • Wetland
Ask About Credits

The Center Bayou Mitigation Bank restores and protects approximately 1261.2 acres of bottomland hardwood (BLH) habitat, including 996 acres of agricultural land restored, 91.9 acres of BLH preservation, 35.4 acres of upland buffers, and 137.9 acres of non-mitigation features comprised of inclusions, upland buffer, existing structures, access roads, open water, and rights-of-way. An addendum was added to include the establishment and maintenance of approximately 1,151.90 acres of bottomland hardwood wetland habitat.