Places > Columbia Bottomlands Wetland Mitigation Bank
Columbia Bottomlands Wetland Mitigation Bank

Project Type
Mitigation BankLocation
Texas | Brazoria CountyService Area
12040204-West Galveston Bay | 12040205-Austin-Oyster | 12070104-Lower Brazos | 12090401-San BernardProject Size
- Wetland: 354 AC
Wetland and Stream MitigationHabitat Types
- Bottomland Hardwood Forest
- Coastal Prairie
- Wetland
Ask About Credits
Established in 2017, the goal of Columbia Bottomlands Mitigation Bank is to provide appropriate compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to wetlands authorized by the USACE within the Brazos/Oyster Creek watershed and adjacent areas. The objectives of the Bank are to rehabilitate degraded functions to 8.04 acres of existing jurisdictional wetlands, re-establish and sustain wetland functions to 323.9 acres as bottomland hardwoods wetlands, and re-establish and sustain wetland functions to 21.6 acres as coastal prairie emergent wetlands.