Places > Davis Branch Stream Mitigation Bank

Davis Branch Stream Mitigation Bank


Project Type
Mitigation Bank
West Virginia | Raleigh County
Service Area
2080201-James | 5050002-Upper New | 5050003-Greenbrier | 5050004-Lower New | 5050005-Gauley | 5050006-Upper Kanawha | 5050007-Elk | 5050008-Lower Kanawha | 5050009-Coal
Project Size
Wetland: 1.91 AC Streams: 21,763 LF
Wetland Mitigation
Habitat Types
  • Bottomland Hardwood Forest
  • CWA 404
  • Riparian
  • Stream
  • Wetland

The purpose of this bank site is to continue to provide the regulated community with the opportunity to offset impacts associated with various development activities. The bank provides permit applicants a means to satisfy stream and wetland mitigation requirements for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional waters associated with Section 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection permit requirements. The bank has yielded 5,987 stream credits and 1.22 wetland credits. The overall objective of this bank is to replace stream functions and values that have been lost or degraded as a result of past and present land use practices at the site. These functions include water quality, flood storage and temperature, habitat, and overall ecological integrity.