District Department of Energy and Environment | Green Stormwater Infrastructure Assessment

Project Type
Non-Bank ProjectLocation
DC | WashingtonSolution
Water QualityHabitat Types
- Urban
As part of our Green Infrastructure Assessment contract for the DC Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE), RES conducts comprehensive evaluations of green roofs to ensure that planting media remain stable, vegetation coverage is sufficient, and any maintenance needs are properly addressed. These evaluations are essential to keeping green infrastructure compliant with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits and achieving the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) reduction goals. Regular maintenance and inspections are vital not only for regulatory compliance but also for fostering a greener and healthier DC.
In addition to green roofs, we are also assessing the performance of other stormwater management practices, including bioretention areas, permeable pavements, infiltration systems, dry wells, and stream restoration sites, and providing assessments and recommendations for treating non-native invasive plants within DOEE green space. Through our detailed inspections and reports, we are helping guide DOEE in addressing ongoing functionality and helping to head off issues during their long-term maintenance of these sites and practices, all in service of continuing to improve the stormwater and water quality within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
To date, the RES team has assessed ~1200 individual facilities within DC and is engaged in this work to support DOEE through 2025.