Places > Dolan Ranch Conservation Bank

Dolan Ranch Conservation Bank


Credit Sales Coordinator, West Coast

Dolan Ranch

Dolan Ranch

Dolan Ranch, California damsonium (Damasonium californicum)

Red-tailed hawk at Dolan Ranch.

Dolan Ranch, Psilocarphus brevissimus

Dolan Ranch, Landscape Bloom

Dolan Ranch, Harlequin Downingia (Downingia insignis)

Ecologist Dawn Cunningham

Ecologist Dawn Cunningham


Project Type
Conservation Bank
California | Colusa County
Species Habitat Mitigation
  • Burrowing owl
  • Giant garter snake
  • Swainson's hawk
  • Vernal pool fairy shrimp
  • Vernal pool tadpole shrimp
West Coast Credit Catalog
Ask About Credits

The 252-acre Dolan Ranch Conservation Bank consists of preserved wetland and upland habitats in Colusa County. The Conservation Bank site supports a variety of habitats, including vernal pools, seasonal wetlands, emergent marsh and annual grassland.

The Bank was approved by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to provide vernal pool species preservation, Swainson’s hawk, giant garter snake, and burrowing owl mitigation for impacts within Solano, Colusa, Glenn, and Yolo counties.

Available Credit Types

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Previously Available Credit Types

  • Giant garter snake (sold out)