Places > Grand Canard Wetland Mitigation Bank

Grand Canard Wetland Mitigation Bank


Brittany Lancon

Senior Solutions Analyst

Grand Canard Bank


Project Type
Mitigation Bank
Louisiana | Jefferson Davis Parish
Service Area
LRAM-Mermentau Basin
Project Size
  • Wetland: 1,928 AC
Wetland and Stream Mitigation
Habitat Types
  • Bottomland Hardwood Forest
  • Marsh
  • Wetland
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The goal of the Grand Canard Mitigation bank was the cumulative re-establishment, rehabilitation, and enhancement of 247.2 acres of swamp, bottomland hardwood, and emergent freshwater wetlands in accordance with an approved plan. The remaining 24.5 acres will remain as non-mitigation land which will be comprised of existing levees and roads. An Addendum was included to re-establish and rehabilitate 183.1 acres of swamp, bottomland hardwood, and emergent freshwater wetlands. The remaining 3.0 acres will remain as open water and non-mitigation land which will be comprised of remnants of spoil levee and the access road.