Places > Hatley



Credit Sales Coordinator, North Carolina

Hatley Mitigation Bank

Hatley Mitigation Bank


Project Type
Nutrient Bank
North Carolina | Person County
Service Area
Neuse - Upper Falls
Project Size
  • Wetland: 20.27 AC
  • Nutrient: 16,775 IBS
Water Quality
Habitat Types
  • Buffer
  • Nitrogen
  • Nutrient
  • Phosphorus
Ask About Credits

Located on 88-acres within the Upper Falls Lake watershed in the Neuse River Basin, stormwater runoff from this site drained into South Flat River and two of its unnamed tributaries, classified as Class C and Nutrient Sensitive Waters. RES provided mitigation for unavoidable impacts development to improve and protect water quality within the Neuse River Basin. A 20-acre conservation easement was placed on the site, permanently protecting the mitigation components of the site. Within the easement, RES worked to restore and enhance existing riparian areas to generate both Neuse buffer and nutrient offset (nitrogen and phosphorus) credits for impacts in the Upper Falls Lake watershed. Due to years of agricultural land use and selective timbering, natural forested areas were limited within most of the site. RES restored the riparian buffer producing 7.94 acres of buffer credits, with riparian buffer enhancement including 1.75 acres; generating 0.58 acres of buffer credits. As a result, our work produced a total of 8.52 acres of buffer credits on the Site. The remaining acres of riparian restoration area provided 16,775 pounds of nitrogen offset and phosphorus offset credits.