Liberty Island Conservation Bank

Liberty Island Conservation Bank

Liberty Island

Liberty Island

September 2019
Project Type
Conservation BankLocation
California | Yolo CountySolution
Species Habitat MitigationSpecies
- Delta smelt
- Longfin smelt
- Riparian habitat (California)
- Salmonids
- Shaded riverine aquatic
West Coast Credit Catalog
DownloadAsk About Credits
The 186-acre Liberty Island Conservation Bank is located in the Yolo Bypass in Yolo County and consists of a mosaic of open water, riparian, marsh, and upland (including seasonally inundated grassland) habitat.
The Bank was approved by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish & Wildlife, and National Marine Fisheries Service to provide mitigation for authorized impacts to salmonids, longfin smelt, Delta smelt, riparian, and tule marsh. The service area for salmonids and Delta smelt includes the boundaries of the Delta, while the longfin smelt service area includes the Delta, Honker Bay, Suisun Bay, Grizzly Bay, San Pablo Bay, San Francisco Bay, the Napa River, and any major tributaries as approved by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Available Credit Types
Download service area maps and KMZ files below:
- Salmonid preservation | KMZ
- Longfin smelt restoration | KMZ
- Delta smelt preservation/restoration | KMZ
- Tule marsh shaded riverine aquatic | KMZ
Previously Available Credit Types
- Riparian shaded riverine aquatic (sold out)