Places > Long Hollow Nutrient Bank
Long Hollow Nutrient Bank
Credit Sales Coordinator, Virginia

Project Type
Nutrient BankLocation
Virginia | Scott CountyService Area
Clinch / Powell River BasinProject Size
- Nutrient: 31.49 IBS
Water QualityHabitat Types
- Nitrogen
- Nutrient
- Phosphorus
Ask About Credits
The goal of this 32.41 acres nutrient bank located in Scott County, Virginia is to reduce nutrient (phosphorus) and sediment loading into the Chesapeake Bay watershed via the conversion of active agricultural land into forest; and generate non-point nutrient credits for transfer under existing and future federal, state and local law, programs, regulations and guidance, including the DEQ Guidance. It is located within the twelve-digit hydrologic unit codes (HUC) 060102050701 (Copper Creek-Grassy Creek) and eight digit HUC 06010205 (Upper Clinch).