Mossy Creek Ecological Assessment

Project Type
Non-Bank ProjectLocation
Oklahoma | Rogers CountySolution
Natural Resource RestorationEcological Setting
- Grasslands, Prairies, & Upland Forests
- Wetlands
CF Industries had completed a forested wetland mitigation project near their Claremore, Oklahoma facility, but found that over time, the site wasn’t performing to the standards required by the USACE.
RES field staff conducted an ecological assessment of the project to determine soil and hydrology condition. This analysis found that watershed conditions and in-stream restrictions were preventing the quantity and timing of surface water flows to sustain wetland hydrology and support vegetation.
Ecologists developed a new mitigation plan to address these issues, and RES restoration crews installed a variety of wetland herbaceous species as well as 3,200 forested wetland trees on slightly elevated tree islands. Hydrological and vegetation monitoring continues to occur to evaluate progress and inform adaptive management strategies.