Places > North Delta Fish Conservation Bank

North Delta Fish Conservation Bank


Credit Sales Coordinator, West Coast

North Delta

North Delta, Mason's lilaeopsis (Lilaeopsis masonii)


Project Type
Conservation Bank
California | Yolo County
Species Habitat Mitigation
  • Delta smelt
  • Longfin smelt
  • Riparian habitat (California)
  • Salmonids
  • Shaded riverine aquatic
West Coast Credit Catalog
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The 811-acre North Delta Fish Conservation Bank (Bank) is located on Liberty Island within the Yolo Bypass in Yolo County, California. The Bank lies on the northern tip of the island next to the Liberty Island Conservation Bank. Liberty Island is situated within the Cache Slough Complex, a critical portion of the North Delta Habitat Arc, which is an area positioned to provide some of the best opportunity to restore, recover, and protect native Delta fish species, including Delta smelt, green sturgeon, Chinook salmon, and steelhead. The site is also located in critical habitat for Delta smelt, green sturgeon, Chinook salmon, and steelhead.

The goal of the North Delta Bank is to restore, enhance and manage habitat beneficial to Delta fish species. Restoration activities at the Bank will create and enhance accessible rearing habitat consisting of tidal marsh complex (a mosaic of tidal emergent marsh, seasonal wetland, interior riparian scrub shrub, and shallow open water habitat), tidal channel, open water, upland level, tule shaded riverine aquatic (SRA), and riparian SRA.

The bank was approved by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish & Wildlife, and National Marine Fisheries Service for projects requiring salmonid, Delta smelt, and longfin smelt mitigation. The service area for salmonids and Delta smelt includes the boundaries of the Delta, while the longfin smelt service area includes the Delta, Honker Bay, Suisun Bay, Grizzly Bay, San Pablo Bay, San Francisco Bay, the Napa River, and any major tributaries as approved by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

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