Places > Randolph-1 Stream Mitigation Bank

Randolph-1 Stream Mitigation Bank


John Brawner

Client Solutions Manager


Project Type
Mitigation Bank
West Virginia | Randolph County
Service Area
5020001-Tygart Valley | 5020002-West Fork | 5020003-Monongahela | 5020004-Cheat | 5020005-Dunkard | 5020006-Youghiogheny
Project Size
  • Wetland: 3.30 AC
  • Streams: 22,681 LF
Wetland and Stream Mitigation
Habitat Types
  • Bottomland Hardwood Forest
  • CWA 404
  • Riparian
  • Stream
  • Wetland
Ask About Credits

The Randolph-1 Mitigation Bank is on 100 acres of a larger 407-acre tract. The goal of the Randolph-1 Mitigation Bank is to establish, restore, enhance, and preserve self-sustaining, functional streams and wetlands while restoring riparian areas to be properly functioning. In addition to stream mitigation, this site will restore pockets of red spruce to an area where this species natively occurred but is no longer present. The site will also provide and protect habitat for other threatened and endangered species such as Indiana bat, Northern long-eared bat, and Virginia Big-eared Bat. The site anticipates yielding 3,392 stream credits and 2.27 wetland credits.