Places > Robinson Fork – Phase I Wetland & Stream Mitigation

Robinson Fork – Phase I Wetland & Stream Mitigation


Jon Kasitz

Region Manager, Client Solutions, East

Post construction

pre construction


Project Type
Mitigation Bank
Pennsylvania | Washington County
Service Area
Ohio River Subbasin Watershed
Project Size
  • Wetland: 49.66 AC
  • Streams: 127,771.00 LF
Wetland and Stream Mitigation
Habitat Types
  • Bottomland Hardwood Forest
  • CWA 404
  • Riparian
  • Stream
  • Wetland
Ask About Credits

The goal of RFMB1 is to restore and preserve self-sustaining, functional streams, wetlands, and riparian corridors. RES has prioritized implementation of a watershed-scale restoration approach for this project. The scale of this project purposefully considered the importance of headwater control and main stem restoration. By following these goals, we strive to replace the functions and values lost from adverse impacts to streams and wetland areas due to various permitted development projects within the Ohio River Subbasin (Pennsylvania State Water Plan Subbasin 20). RFMB1 development efforts will provide in-kind replacement for the direct loss or functional degradation of the stream, wetland, and riparian resources resulting from unavoidable aquatic impacts.