Places > City of Longwood | Rolling Hills Golf Course

City of Longwood | Rolling Hills Golf Course


Kathryn Eisnor

Advisory Services Manager - Environmental


Project Type
Non-Bank Project
Florida | Seminole County
Advisory Services
Ecological Setting
  • Soil Health
  • Urban

The former Rolling Hills Golf Course in Longwood, Seminole County, Florida, was closed for several years. In 2017, RES conducted a Phase I ESA and ecological surveys to assess environmental concerns and natural resources.

Seminole County proposed a grant exchange to the Florida Communities Trust (FCT) to finance the property acquisition, reallocating funds from another county property. In return, the county committed to cover all site remediation costs. A Phase II ESA identified arsenic and dieldrin in soil and groundwater, with soil concentrations exceeding cleanup targets in some areas. RES recommended an alternative approach, addressing seventeen specific areas using remedial techniques and engineering controls. RES submitted a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for approval. Exposure Unit 1 involved excavation, disposal, and backfilling with clean fill for a passive park. Exposure Unit 2 required excavation, backfilling with residential-level material, and implementing engineering and institutional controls for a more active park and playground.

RES aided Seminole County in procuring a contractor for soil remediation and provided oversight during implementation. RES and REGENESIS Remediation Services also implemented a groundwater RAP, utilizing anaerobic bioremediation and in situ chemical reduction. Groundwater monitoring and conditional site closure documentation are ongoing.

Nature of Work
  • Phase I Site Assessment
  • Phase II Site Assessment
  • Site Remediation
  • Groundwater Remediation
  • Wetland Studies
  • Threatened and Endangered Species Studies