Places > Seven Pines Stream Mitigation Bank
Seven Pines Stream Mitigation Bank
after restoration
before restoration
Project Type
Mitigation BankLocation
West Virginia | Monongalia CountyService Area
5020001-Tygart Valley | 5020002-West Fork | 5020003-Monongahela | 5020004-Cheat | 5020005-Dunkard | 5020006-YoughioghenyProject Size
- Wetland: 4.56 AC
- Streams: 31,774 LF
Wetland and Stream MitigationHabitat Types
- Bottomland Hardwood Forest
- CWA 404
- Riparian
- Stream
- Wetland
Ask About Credits
The Seven Pines Mitigation Bank is located on eight parcels of land, all held by various landowners, which total approximately 384-acres. The goal of the bank is to restore, enhance and preserve self-sustaining, functional streams and wetlands to mitigate for lost functions due to unavoidable off-site impacts to streams and wetlands. This project will restore hydrology, hydraulic and geomorphic functions to stream and riparian ecosystems within the site boundary and produce 11,602 stream credits and 3.81 wetland credits.