Places > Space Commerce Way Widening | Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District 5 | Space Florida

Space Commerce Way Widening | Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District 5 | Space Florida


Nadia Locke, PE, LEED AP

Advisory Services Manager


Project Type
Non-Bank Project
Florida | Brevard County
Advisory Services

RES provided NEPA re-evaluation and permitting support for the proposed roadway widening improvements to Space Commerce Way.

  • Agency coordination included SJRWMD, FDEP, USFWS, NASA, and Space Florida. 
  • Use of LiDAR and historical aerials to verify previous wetland determinations before performing field review – Cost savings!
  • Coordination with USFWS and NASA concerning Florida scrub-jay habitat impacts was assessed using the KSC Florida Scrub-jay Compensation Plan.
  • A thorough review of historical documentation identified approximately 12 units of excess federal mitigation credit for use on future projects ~$1-1.5M savings.