Places > St. Joseph’s Center Ecological Assessment

St. Joseph’s Center Ecological Assessment



Project Type
Non-Bank Project
Delaware | New Castle and Kent Counties
Natural Resource Restoration
Ecological Setting
  • Grasslands, Prairies, & Upland Forests
  • Streams

The year-long ecological assessment of this large community center campus was federally funded because of its ecological features that are important to fish and wildlife goals.

Naturally occurring wetlands and upland plant communities throughout the site offered suitable habitat for the federally listed bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) as well as state-endangered amphibians and mussels.

Faunal surveys documented more than 150 bird species, a dozen mammals, amphibians, and reptiles on the 300-acre historic landscape. Macroinvertebrate, mussel, fish, and insect studies produced insightful results, as did in-stream habitat assessment and water quality sampling.