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About us


Who We Are

RES is the nation’s largest ecological restoration company, and is restoring a resilient earth for a modern world. We restore our land and waters with ecological integrity and innovation, project by project. We support the rehabilitation and stewardship of nature’s resources alongside responsible human progress.


Restoration is part of the answer to creating a resilient world.

It creates a net gain, an “ecological lift,” using nature’s own ways of healing damage. Knowing this, we found a way to make environmental mitigation markets work.

Inspired by the notion that restoration can be a win/win for both humanity and the environment, RES pioneered the repeatable, long-term business model supporting sustainability and responsibility for the lands and waters it restores.

Today, the RES business model of design/build/sustain delivers uniquely successful outcomes because we internalize the real risk of the projects we build and guarantee them for the long term. This approach has created a generation of innovative ecological problem solvers dedicated to being long-term stewards of the earth.


Our history

Founded in 2007 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, RES quickly expanded along the Gulf Coast and grew organically into Texas, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio.

Over the years, knowing that local expertise is critical, RES has acquired several leading firms from across the country who share our vision of a resilient earth and sustainable development.

RES also has a track record of successfully partnering with investors. In February 2022, RES announced a significant investment in the company from two leading firms, Onex and KKR.

Onex is an investor and asset manager and has been a responsible investor since its founding in 1984. It views sound governance and strong environmental and social practices as key tenets of successful investing.

KKR originally invested in RES in 2016 before the 2022 investment. A leading global firm, KKR has a history of investing in businesses that promote solutions to broader societal challenges, including workforce development, green energy, responsible waste management, clean water protection, and others.

Headquartered in Houston, Texas, RES employs over 1,000 dedicated employees in offices across the country.



“RES, at its core, are stewards of the land, and our goal is long-term, self-sustaining restoration. We would never walk away from a site if it’s not 100% where it needs to be. If it’s failing in one area, we will always address it. We are all employed with RES because we love ecological restoration… it’s our passion, it’s what we do. This is why we’re all here, it’s why we get excited about our sites.”

RES Ecologist



Corporate Citizenship at RES

As a purpose-driven company, RES is proud to help preserve the environmental balance.
It’s a source of satisfaction for us to track the annual environmental uplift from our projects.

But our vision for corporate citizenship goes much further.

We are active supporters in the communities we live in and serve. We constantly strive to improve our own operational footprint. And we have a passion for supporting locally significant research and education programs connected with our large-scale projects.

To learn more, read our Corporate Citizenship and Impact Statement for 2021.