State > California



California is the most biologically diverse state in the country and the largest ecological restoration market in the U.S.

With an equally diverse and knowledgeable team in place, RES was named in 2019 as the lead environmental restoration contractor for the proposed Klamath River dam removal project. A few weeks later, RES became operating manager for 15 conservation and mitigation banks across California.

In California, RES has assembled a team of biologists, regulatory specialists, GIS analysts, and land conservation specialists with deep experience in Northern California, San Francisco Bay Area, Central Valley, Southern California, and Inland Desert regions.

The RES California team is experienced in all aspects of mitigation banking and species habitat preservation, and also draws from a deep bench of stream and river restoration expertise across the country for larger projects such as the mitigation plan for restoring the Klamath River, post-dam removal. Our California ecologists and biologists have decades of expertise in fisheries, wetland delineation, and working to meet the requirements of the numerous regulatory agencies in the state.


Similarly, our team has extensive experience developing offsets for many sensitive species including:

  • California red-legged frog
  • California tiger salamander
  • California coastal gnatcatcher
  • Burrowing owl
  • Giant garter snake
  • Vernal pool crustaceans
  • Desert tortoise
  • Delta smelt
  • Salt marsh harvest mouse
  • Swainson’s hawk
  • San Joaquin kit fox
  • Least bell’s vireo

RES’ California team also provides proactive project impact analyses, permitting advisory services, and compliance monitoring to help clients streamline their permitting timelines, reduce their entitlement costs, and limit long-term liabilities associated with permit conditions.


The World's Largest Salmon Restoration Project

In partnership with local tribal communities, RES is leading a massive restoration effort on the Klamath River, integral to the largest salmon restoration and river renewal project in U.S. history – a task vital to the future of several imperiled salmon populations on the West Coast.

Collaborative at its core

RES is leading this restorative effort in close collaboration with state and federal agencies, conservation groups, and indigenous Tribes who have stewarded this ecosystem for millennia. Detailed restoration designs have been crafted, building on the strong foundations set during earlier planning and ecological studies. The RES design team includes national and local experts in botany, ecology, geomorphology, fisheries, stream and river restoration, and project management.


Download the West Coast Credit Catalog

California Contacts

Vice President & Regional General Manager, West
Director of Community Affairs, West Region
Land Representative
Regional Client Solutions Manager
Director of Operations, Northern California and Southern Oregon
Credit Sales Manager
Regulatory Director, West
Client Solutions Associate

RES in California

  • 2023

    Swiftwater Films and RES release Restoring Balance, a short film charting restoration plans integral to the largest dam removal and river restoration project in US history. Restoring Balance conveys the story of a partnership between RES and tribal communities who are working together to heal the severely degraded Klamath River.

  • 2019

    KRRC and Kiewit select RES as restoration provider for Klamath River dam removal mitigation plan.

  • 2019

    Dan York joins RES to provide project development and management leadership. Ken Sanchez joins as regulatory manager, and Dan Chase as senior fisheries biologist.

  • 2019

    RES becomes operating manager for 15 California conservation & mitigation banks.

  • 2018

    Tim DeGraff joins RES to lead company's expanding market in California.

  • 2016

    RES enters the California market.