About Katie Wolff

Katie coordinates with state and federal agencies to prepare and obtain the necessary permits and approvals for projects in RES Northeast region. Prior to joining RES, she spent five years working in Pittsburgh as a senior technical and permitting lead consultant for several energy clients. Previously, she worked as an environmental scientist in the Pacific Northwest region, conducting wetland delineations, sediment sampling, water quality monitoring, mitigation monitoring, and salmonid habitat restoration. Katie completed an ORISE Fellowship at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters in Washington, DC, where she worked for two years in the Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds under the total maximum daily load program. She has also lived abroad, in Kamphuan, Thailand, where she carried out a watershed assessment study in association with USAID and the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok. Katie earned a Masters of Environmental Management from Duke University, Durham, NC and a BA Geology, Magna Cum Laude, with Minors in Biology and English from Bryn Mawr College. She has completed Ohio EPA QHEI Training, Loss Prevention System Training/Certification 40-hour HAZWOPR Certification, Wetland Delineation Certification and Mountains, Valleys and Coast Regional Supplemental Seminar and Field Practicum from the Wetland Training Institute in addition to a Certificate in GIS and Geospatial Analysis from Duke University.