About Kyrsten Shields
California, Oregon, Washington
Kyrsten Shields serves as Regulatory Director for RES’ West Region. Kyrsten has a BS in Natural Resource Planning from Humboldt State University, with a minor in Soils, and has over 20 years of experience managing a wide range of, sometimes complex and controversial, permitting and compliance projects for private sector and public agency projects. Her expertise is in Federal and State Clean Water Act permitting, Endangered Species and Cultural Resource Consultations, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife Streambed Alteration Agreements and Incidental Take Authorizations. Before joining RES, Kyrsten spent two years working as a Resource Planner for the County of Lake and over 18 years in environmental consulting, including her role as a Regulatory Group Manager.
Kyrsten’s experience also includes facilitating multi-agency approvals for Preserves established as Clean Water Act waters avoidance and minimization and listed species habitat preservation. She has prepared long-term management plans, property analysis records, and conservation easements and facilitated the onboarding of easements/endowment holders and long-term land managers. Kyrsten also has experience managing the preparation of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents and managing Caltrans Local Assistance projects for Caltrans.
Kyrsten enjoys regulatory mentoring and welcomes each opportunity to engage in agency negotiation!