Leadership Team > Matt Genotte

About Matt Genotte




D: 281.685.3328

Based in Houston, Texas, Matt brings 21 years of experience in the ecological and environmental industry; specializing in ecological restoration, wetland science, impact analyses, compensatory mitigation planning, Clean Water Act permitting, and endangered species assessments and consultations. Matt manages RES’ Gulf Coast Regulatory and Ecology Teams, including overseeing all of the ecology and permitting for restoration and conservation projects. Matt has a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystems in Texas, especially when it comes to aquatic systems, such as wetlands and streams.

Prior to joining RES in 2017, Matt worked at SWCA Environmental Consulting for 10 years and served as an Ecologist, Project Manager, and Director of the Natural Resources Programs in Houston and Denver. Matts’ team of Restoration Ecologists at RES conduct land searches, study baseline field conditions, perform functional assessments, design restoration plans, write reports, facilitate agency review and approval of restoration plans, implement the plans including oversight of construction and planting, create as-built reports, monitor restoration sites, and develop and implement adaptive management. Matt’s team also oversees numerous compensatory mitigation banks in the Gulf Coast Region.