Floodplain Restoration
Floodplain Restoration
Floodplain restoration helps reduce the risk of flooding by allowing rivers to spread out naturally during high water events.
- Improves water quality
- Reduces the speed of floodwaters
- Creates diverse wildlife habitat
- Increases groundwater recharge
Tarnans Branch Stream Restoration
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Treatment Wetlands
Treatment Wetlands
Constructed treatment wetlands improve water quality, mitigate flood risks, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon.
- Flood control
- Improved water quality
- Improved biodiversity and habitat
- Carbon sequestration
Jack Smith Creek Stormwater Wetlands
Craven County, North Carolina
Wetland Restoration
Wetland Restoration
Restored wetlands improve water quality, mitigate flood risks, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon.
- Flood control
- Improved water quality
- Improved biodiversity and habitat
- Carbon sequestration
Bayou Terrebonne Wetland Mitigation Bank
Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Urban Green Infrastructure
Urban Green Infrastructure
Urban green infrastructure integrates natural features like living shorelines, rain gardens, green roofs, urban forestry, and blue-green streets into city landscapes to improve environmental sustainability.
- Improves flood control
- Improves stormwater management
- Enhances urban resilience
- Creates recreational opportunities
District Department of Energy and Environment | Green Stormwater Infrastructure Assessment
Washington, DC
Black Swamp Creek Stream Restoration (Corvias)
Prince George's County, Maryland
Jose Marti Park Adaptive Re-Design
City of Miami, Florida
Resiliency Parks
Resiliency Parks
Resiliency parks integrate community amenities into flood resiliency assets.
- Biking and hiking
- Additional floodplain during a storm
- Can blend green/gray infrastructure
Zube Park Detention Basin and Conveyance Improvements
Harris County, Texas
Stormwater Retention/Detention
Stormwater Retention/Detention
Stormwater retention/detention systems are designed to capture and hold stormwater, allowing water to gradually infiltrate into the ground.
- Temporarily stores stormwater
- Prevents flooding
- Reduces the strain on downstream drainage systems
Prairie Crossing Sustainable Conservation Development
Lake County, Illinois
Darien Crossing Regional Stormwater Retrofit
City of Philadelphia , Pennsylvania
City of Orlando | Southeast Lakes Drainage Improvements, Lake of the Woods to Al Coith Park
Orange County, Florida
Emmorton Stormwater Pond
Harford County, Maryland
Agricultural BMPs
Agricultural BMPs
Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) are strategies and techniques used to manage land and water resources in a way that reduces environmental impacts while maintaining or improving agricultural productivity.
- Prevents runoff
- Protects water quality
- Enhances ecosystem health
Stream Restoration
Stream Restoration
Stream restoration involves rehabilitating degraded streams to improve water quality, restore natural flow patterns, and support aquatic habitats.
- Reduces flood risks
- Restores natural flow patterns
- Enhances habitat for fish wildlife
- Increases resilience of watersheds
Bois d’Arc Lake PRM
Fannin County, Texas
Wancopin Creek Turnkey Stream Restoration
Loudoun County, Virginia
Blackwater Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration
City of Lynchburg, Virginia
Pea Hill Branch Stream Restoration
Prince George's County, Maryland
Straight Creek Stream Restoration Project
Morgan County , Kentucky
Streambank Stabilization at Holston River Park
Knox County, Tennessee
Butler’s Bridge Park Stream Restoration
Henry County, Georgia
Black Swamp Creek Stream Restoration (Corvias)
Prince George's County, Maryland
Living Shorelines
Living Shorelines
Living shorelines use Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for protecting coastal areas from erosion, often using plants, sand, and rock to stabilize shorelines while preserving habitat.
- Stabilizes shoreline and reduces erosion
- Increases biodiversity
- Improves water quality
GreenShores Living Shoreline
Escambia County, Florida
North Bay Village Civic Park Living Shoreline
North Bay Village, Florida
Pleasant Point Living Shoreline
City of Norfolk, Virginia
Mangroves and Salt Marsh
Mangroves and Salt Marsh
Mangroves are tropical trees and shrubs that grow in tidal coastal areas, while salt marshes are grassy ecosystems found in temperate regions along coastlines. Both thrive in saline or brackish water and are adapted to fluctuating water levels and salt content.
- Provides coastal protection by buffering shorelines from storm surges and reducing erosion.
- Supports biodiversity, providing essential habitats for fish, birds, and other wildlife.
- Captures and stores significant amounts of carbon, helping combat climate change.
Graveline Bay Coastal Marsh Restoration
Mobile, Alabama
GreenShores Living Shoreline
Escambia County, Florida
Coastal Wetland Restoration
Coastal Wetland Restoration
Coastal wetlands provide natural flood protection by absorbing storm surges and reducing shoreline erosion.
- Provides habitat for a diverse range of wildlife
- Improves water quality and resilience
- Captures carbon and helps mitigate climate change
Graveline Bay Coastal Marsh Restoration
Mobile, Alabama
Multi-stage Channels
Multi-stage Channels
Multi-stage channels are engineered waterways designed with multiple tiers or floodplains that mimic natural stream functions.
- Allows for controlled water flow during high-rain events, reducing flood risks.
- Slows down water flow, preventing erosion of stream banks.
- Create diverse environments for aquatic and riparian species, improving ecological health.
- Creates a wetland floodplain bench within the channel that provides opportunities to capture and sequester pollutants.
Resiliency Parks
Resiliency Parks
Resiliency parks integrate community amenities into flood resiliency assets.
- Biking and hiking
- Additional floodplain during a storm
- Can blend green/gray infrastructure
Zube Park Detention Basin and Conveyance Improvements
Harris County, Texas
Infiltration Berms
Infiltration Berms
Infiltration berms are low, constructed mounds designed to slow down and capture runoff, allowing water to gradually infiltrate into the soil. RES uses them in stormwater management design to reduce erosion and improve groundwater recharge.
- Helps to prevent flooding and surface runoff, capturing and slowing down stormwater
- Reduces soil erosion in areas prone to runoff, controlling erosion
- Enhances water infiltration into the ground, replenishing aquifers and supporting groundwater levels.
Irvine Nature Center
Baltimore County, Maryland
Sabine Lake Mitigation Bank
Jefferson County, Texas
BHP Terrebonne Biodiversity and Resiliency Projects
Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Dune Restoration
Dune Restoration
“Dune restoration helps protect coastal areas from erosion and storm damage by acting as a natural barrier against wind and waves.
- Provides habitat for unique plant and animal species
- Contributes to the overall health of coastal ecosystems
Caminada Headland Beach and Dune Restoration
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Wave Attenuation
Wave Attenuation
Wave attenuation slows down or reduces the power of waves as they move over an area, using structures such as marshes or terraces. They are key for keeping coastlines and habitats safe.
- Reduces the impact of waves on shorelines, preventing erosion and property damage.
- Helps maintain coastal ecosystems by protecting delicate habitats from strong wave action.
- Lessens wave height during storms, reducing flooding in coastal communities.
Belle Isle State Park Shoreline Stablization
Lancaster, Virginia
GreenShores Living Shoreline
Escambia County, Florida
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Submerged aquatic vegetation, including seagrass, enhances water quality by stabilizing sediments, reducing nutrient pollution, and increasing oxygen levels in the water.
- Stabilizes sediments and keeps them from resuspending in the water column
- Creates habitats for fish, crustaceans, and shellfish
- Serves as a direct and indirect food source for local marine life
USACE, Key Biscayne 145-Acre Seagrass Assessment
Miami-Dade County, Florida
Marsh Terraces
Marsh Terraces
Marsh terraces, such as those in Terrebonne Parish, LA, are earthen structures strategically placed in coastal marshes to restore and enhance wetlands by reducing erosion and encouraging sediment deposition.
- Controls erosion, reducing wave energy, minimizing shoreline erosion and protecting wetland ecosystems.
- Aids in habitat restoration, providing critical habitat for fish, birds, and other wildlife, enhancing biodiversity.
- Traps sediments and nutrients, improving water clarity and overall ecosystem health.
BHP Terrebonne Biodiversity and Resiliency Projects
Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Coastal Marsh/Tidal Wetland
Coastal Marsh/Tidal Wetland
Coastal marshes and tidal wetlands provide natural flood protection by absorbing storm surges and reducing shoreline erosion.
- Provides habitat for a diverse range of wildlife
- Improves water quality
- Captures carbon and helps mitigate climate change
Graveline Bay Coastal Marsh Restoration
Mobile, Alabama
GreenShores Living Shoreline
Escambia County, Florida
Native Vegetation and Pollinator Habitat
Native Vegetation and Pollinator Habitat
Native vegetation and pollinator habitats support biodiversity by providing essential food sources and shelter for pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds, which are crucial for plant reproduction and ecosystem stability.
- Supports biodiversity
- Improves soil health
- Enhances water retention
Mammoth Solar North
Starke County, Indiana
Prairie Wolf Solar
Coles County, Illinois
Native Prairie Restoration
Native Prairie Restoration
Native prairie restoration helps revive ecosystems by promoting biodiversity, supporting pollinators, and providing habitat for wildlife, including threatened species.
- Improves soil health,
- Enhances carbon sequestration
- Reduces soil erosion
- Contributes to long-term environmental resilience and sustainability
Heidelberg Materials Habitat Conservation Plan and Wet-Mesic Dolomite Prairie Transplant
Romeoville, Illinois
Lockport Prairie and Prairie Bluff Ecosystem Restoration
Lockport, Illinois
Dam Removal and AOP
Dam Removal and AOP
Dam removal and improved aquatic organism passage (AOP) restore the natural flow of a river, allowing fish and other aquatic species to access critical upstream habitats for spawning and migration, which boosts biodiversity and population recovery.
- Improves water quality
- Improves sediment transport
- Increases biodiversity and population recovery
- Reduces flood risks
Soil Carbon Sequestration
Soil Carbon Sequestration
Soil carbon sequestration helps mitigate climate change by capturing and storing carbon dioxide in the soil, reducing greenhouse gas levels.
- Enhances soil health
- Improves water retention
- Improves nutrient cycling
- Supports sustainable land management
Sediment Inactivation
Sediment Inactivation
Sediment inactivation is a process that reduces the bioavailability of nutrients and contaminants in sediments, preventing their release into the water column and improving overall water quality.
- Improves water quality
- Enhances aquatic habitat health
- Supports the recovery of fish populations
Upland Restoration
Upland Restoration
Upland restoration improves biodiversity and enhances ecosystem resilience in areas like grasslands, forests, and scrublands.
- Prevents soil erosion
- Improves water infiltration
- Supports carbon sequestration
- Provides wildlife habitat
Desert Species
Desert Species
Permanently protected habitats for desert tortoises, bighorn sheep and other special-status species are restored and conserved via RES mitigation sites.
- Protects biodiversity
- Targets areas of conservation priority
- Often extends wildlife corridors, a RES priority in site selection
Rogue Valley Mitigation/Conservation Bank
Jackson County, Oregon
Grassland Species
Grassland Species
Permanently protected habitats for burrowing owls, Swainson’s hawks, and other special-status species are restored and conserved via RES mitigation sites.
- Protects biodiversity
- Targets areas of conservation priority
- Often extends wildlife corridors, a RES priority in site selection
BHP Terrebonne Biodiversity and Resiliency Projects
Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Laguna Terrace East Conservation Bank
Sacramento County, California
Campbell Ranch Conservation Bank
Solano County, California
Wetland Species
Wetland Species
Permanently protected habitats for California Tiger Salamander, Salt harvest mouse, giant garter snake, and other special-status species are restored and conserved via RES mitigation sites.
- Protects biodiversity
- Targets areas of conservation priority
- Often extends wildlife corridors, a RES priority in site selection
Deadman Creek Conservation Bank
Merced County, California
Elsie Gridley Mitigation Bank
Solano County, California
Aquatic Species
Aquatic Species
Permanently protected habitats for longfin smelt, giant garter snakes, Carolina heelsplitter mussels, and other special-status species are restored and conserved via RES mitigation sites.
- Protects biodiversity
- Targets areas of conservation priority
- Often extends wildlife corridors, a RES priority in site selection
Liberty Island Conservation Bank
Yolo County, California
Ridge Cut Giant Garter Snake Conservation Bank
Yolo County, California
North Delta Fish Conservation Bank
Yolo County, California
Carolina Heelsplitter Species Conservation Bank
Lancaster County, South Carolina
Forested Species
Forested Species
Permanently protected habitats for bats, gopher tortoises, panthers, and other special-status species are restored and conserved via RES mitigation sites.
- Protects biodiversity
- Targets areas of conservation priority
- Often extends wildlife corridors, a RES priority in site selection
Indiana Statewide Bat Conservation Bank
Greene County, Indiana
Pennsylvania Statewide Bat Conservation Bank
Greene County, Pennsylvania
Highlands Ranch Gopher Tortoise Recipient Site Phase II
Clay County, Florida
Chiefland 161 Gopher Tortoise Recipient Site
Levy County, Florida
Seagrass Mitigation
Seagrass Mitigation
Most common in Florida, seagrass mitigation restores, creates or enhances seagrass to offset damage to nearby seagrass communities, caused by development.
- Stabilizes sediments and keeps them from resuspending in the water column
- Creates habitats for fish, crustaceans, and shellfish
- Serves as a direct and indirect food source for local marine life
USACE, Key Biscayne 145-Acre Seagrass Assessment
Miami-Dade County, Florida
Riparian Mitigation
Riparian Mitigation
Most common in California, riparian mitigation rebuilds the structure and hydrology of this important “”transition zone”” between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
- Re-established vegetation and floodplain connectivity.
- Manages invasive species
- Reconfigures impaired streams to restore natural hydrology
Buck Run Restoration Site I and II
Allegheny and Washington Counties, Pennsylvania
Water Quality
Floodplain Restoration
Watershed RestorationResiliencyInland FloodingWater SupplyEnvironmental MitigationNutrient Offsets - WatershedFloodplain restoration helps reduce the risk of flooding by allowing rivers to spread out naturally during high water events.
- Improves water quality
- Reduces the speed of floodwaters
- Creates diverse wildlife habitat
- Increases groundwater recharge
Tarnans Branch Stream Restoration
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Treatment Wetlands
Watershed RestorationResiliencyWater SupplyEnvironmental MitigationNutrient Offsets - WatershedConstructed treatment wetlands improve water quality, mitigate flood risks, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon.
- Flood control
- Improved water quality
- Improved biodiversity and habitat
- Carbon sequestration
Jack Smith Creek Stormwater Wetlands
Craven County, North Carolina
Wetland Restoration
Watershed RestorationIn-Water Body RestorationNatural Resource RestorationHabitat RestorationResiliencyInland FloodingWater SupplyEnvironmental MitigationWetland and StreamNutrient Offsets - WatershedNutrient Offsets – In-Water BodyRestored wetlands improve water quality, mitigate flood risks, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon.
- Flood control
- Improved water quality
- Improved biodiversity and habitat
- Carbon sequestration
Bayou Terrebonne Wetland Mitigation Bank
Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Urban Green Infrastructure
Watershed RestorationEnvironmental MitigationNutrient Offsets - WatershedUrban green infrastructure integrates natural features like living shorelines, rain gardens, green roofs, urban forestry, and blue-green streets into city landscapes to improve environmental sustainability.
- Improves flood control
- Improves stormwater management
- Enhances urban resilience
- Creates recreational opportunities
District Department of Energy and Environment | Green Stormwater Infrastructure Assessment
Washington, DC
Black Swamp Creek Stream Restoration (Corvias)
Prince George's County, Maryland
Jose Marti Park Adaptive Re-Design
City of Miami, Florida
Resiliency Parks
Watershed RestorationEnvironmental MitigationNutrient Offsets - WatershedResiliency parks integrate community amenities into flood resiliency assets.
- Biking and hiking
- Additional floodplain during a storm
- Can blend green/gray infrastructure
Zube Park Detention Basin and Conveyance Improvements
Harris County, Texas
Stormwater Retention/Detention
Watershed RestorationResiliencyInland FloodingEnvironmental MitigationNutrient Offsets - WatershedStormwater retention/detention systems are designed to capture and hold stormwater, allowing water to gradually infiltrate into the ground.
- Temporarily stores stormwater
- Prevents flooding
- Reduces the strain on downstream drainage systems
Prairie Crossing Sustainable Conservation Development
Lake County, Illinois
Darien Crossing Regional Stormwater Retrofit
City of Philadelphia , Pennsylvania
City of Orlando | Southeast Lakes Drainage Improvements, Lake of the Woods to Al Coith Park
Orange County, Florida
Emmorton Stormwater Pond
Harford County, Maryland
Agricultural BMPs
Watershed RestorationNatural Resource RestorationSoil HealthEnvironmental MitigationNutrient Offsets - WatershedAgricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) are strategies and techniques used to manage land and water resources in a way that reduces environmental impacts while maintaining or improving agricultural productivity.
- Prevents runoff
- Protects water quality
- Enhances ecosystem health
Stream Restoration
Watershed RestorationIn-Water Body RestorationNatural Resource RestorationHabitat RestorationResiliencyInland FloodingEnvironmental MitigationWetland and StreamNutrient Offsets - WatershedNutrient Offsets – In-Water BodyStream restoration involves rehabilitating degraded streams to improve water quality, restore natural flow patterns, and support aquatic habitats.
- Reduces flood risks
- Restores natural flow patterns
- Enhances habitat for fish wildlife
- Increases resilience of watersheds
Bois d’Arc Lake PRM
Fannin County, Texas
Wancopin Creek Turnkey Stream Restoration
Loudoun County, Virginia
Blackwater Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration
City of Lynchburg, Virginia
Pea Hill Branch Stream Restoration
Prince George's County, Maryland
Straight Creek Stream Restoration Project
Morgan County , Kentucky
Streambank Stabilization at Holston River Park
Knox County, Tennessee
Butler’s Bridge Park Stream Restoration
Henry County, Georgia
Black Swamp Creek Stream Restoration (Corvias)
Prince George's County, Maryland
Living Shorelines
In-Water Body RestorationResiliencyCoastal StabilityEnvironmental MitigationNutrient Offsets – In-Water BodyLiving shorelines use Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for protecting coastal areas from erosion, often using plants, sand, and rock to stabilize shorelines while preserving habitat.
- Stabilizes shoreline and reduces erosion
- Increases biodiversity
- Improves water quality
GreenShores Living Shoreline
Escambia County, Florida
North Bay Village Civic Park Living Shoreline
North Bay Village, Florida
Pleasant Point Living Shoreline
City of Norfolk, Virginia
Mangroves and Salt Marsh
In-Water Body RestorationEnvironmental MitigationWetland and StreamNutrient Offsets – In-Water BodyMangroves are tropical trees and shrubs that grow in tidal coastal areas, while salt marshes are grassy ecosystems found in temperate regions along coastlines. Both thrive in saline or brackish water and are adapted to fluctuating water levels and salt content.
- Provides coastal protection by buffering shorelines from storm surges and reducing erosion.
- Supports biodiversity, providing essential habitats for fish, birds, and other wildlife.
- Captures and stores significant amounts of carbon, helping combat climate change.
Graveline Bay Coastal Marsh Restoration
Mobile, Alabama
GreenShores Living Shoreline
Escambia County, Florida
Coastal Wetland Restoration
In-Water Body RestorationNatural Resource RestorationHabitat RestorationEnvironmental MitigationNutrient Offsets – In-Water BodyCoastal wetlands provide natural flood protection by absorbing storm surges and reducing shoreline erosion.
- Provides habitat for a diverse range of wildlife
- Improves water quality and resilience
- Captures carbon and helps mitigate climate change
Graveline Bay Coastal Marsh Restoration
Mobile, Alabama
Multi-stage Channels
In-Water Body RestorationEnvironmental MitigationNutrient Offsets – In-Water BodyMulti-stage channels are engineered waterways designed with multiple tiers or floodplains that mimic natural stream functions.
- Allows for controlled water flow during high-rain events, reducing flood risks.
- Slows down water flow, preventing erosion of stream banks.
- Create diverse environments for aquatic and riparian species, improving ecological health.
- Creates a wetland floodplain bench within the channel that provides opportunities to capture and sequester pollutants.
Resiliency Parks
Inland FloodingResiliency parks integrate community amenities into flood resiliency assets.
- Biking and hiking
- Additional floodplain during a storm
- Can blend green/gray infrastructure
Zube Park Detention Basin and Conveyance Improvements
Harris County, Texas
Infiltration Berms
Inland FloodingWater SupplyInfiltration berms are low, constructed mounds designed to slow down and capture runoff, allowing water to gradually infiltrate into the soil. RES uses them in stormwater management design to reduce erosion and improve groundwater recharge.
- Helps to prevent flooding and surface runoff, capturing and slowing down stormwater
- Reduces soil erosion in areas prone to runoff, controlling erosion
- Enhances water infiltration into the ground, replenishing aquifers and supporting groundwater levels.
Irvine Nature Center
Baltimore County, Maryland
Sabine Lake Mitigation Bank
Jefferson County, Texas
BHP Terrebonne Biodiversity and Resiliency Projects
Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Dune Restoration
Coastal Stability“Dune restoration helps protect coastal areas from erosion and storm damage by acting as a natural barrier against wind and waves.
- Provides habitat for unique plant and animal species
- Contributes to the overall health of coastal ecosystems
Caminada Headland Beach and Dune Restoration
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Wave Attenuation
Coastal StabilityWave attenuation slows down or reduces the power of waves as they move over an area, using structures such as marshes or terraces. They are key for keeping coastlines and habitats safe.
- Reduces the impact of waves on shorelines, preventing erosion and property damage.
- Helps maintain coastal ecosystems by protecting delicate habitats from strong wave action.
- Lessens wave height during storms, reducing flooding in coastal communities.
Belle Isle State Park Shoreline Stablization
Lancaster, Virginia
GreenShores Living Shoreline
Escambia County, Florida
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Coastal StabilityEnvironmental MitigationWetland and StreamSubmerged aquatic vegetation, including seagrass, enhances water quality by stabilizing sediments, reducing nutrient pollution, and increasing oxygen levels in the water.
- Stabilizes sediments and keeps them from resuspending in the water column
- Creates habitats for fish, crustaceans, and shellfish
- Serves as a direct and indirect food source for local marine life
USACE, Key Biscayne 145-Acre Seagrass Assessment
Miami-Dade County, Florida
Marsh Terraces
Coastal StabilityMarsh terraces, such as those in Terrebonne Parish, LA, are earthen structures strategically placed in coastal marshes to restore and enhance wetlands by reducing erosion and encouraging sediment deposition.
- Controls erosion, reducing wave energy, minimizing shoreline erosion and protecting wetland ecosystems.
- Aids in habitat restoration, providing critical habitat for fish, birds, and other wildlife, enhancing biodiversity.
- Traps sediments and nutrients, improving water clarity and overall ecosystem health.
BHP Terrebonne Biodiversity and Resiliency Projects
Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Coastal Marsh/Tidal Wetland
Coastal StabilityCoastal marshes and tidal wetlands provide natural flood protection by absorbing storm surges and reducing shoreline erosion.
- Provides habitat for a diverse range of wildlife
- Improves water quality
- Captures carbon and helps mitigate climate change
Graveline Bay Coastal Marsh Restoration
Mobile, Alabama
GreenShores Living Shoreline
Escambia County, Florida
Natural Resource Restoration
Native Vegetation and Pollinator Habitat
Habitat RestorationNative vegetation and pollinator habitats support biodiversity by providing essential food sources and shelter for pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds, which are crucial for plant reproduction and ecosystem stability.
- Supports biodiversity
- Improves soil health
- Enhances water retention
Mammoth Solar North
Starke County, Indiana
Prairie Wolf Solar
Coles County, Illinois
Native Prairie Restoration
Habitat RestorationSoil HealthNative prairie restoration helps revive ecosystems by promoting biodiversity, supporting pollinators, and providing habitat for wildlife, including threatened species.
- Improves soil health,
- Enhances carbon sequestration
- Reduces soil erosion
- Contributes to long-term environmental resilience and sustainability
Heidelberg Materials Habitat Conservation Plan and Wet-Mesic Dolomite Prairie Transplant
Romeoville, Illinois
Lockport Prairie and Prairie Bluff Ecosystem Restoration
Lockport, Illinois
Dam Removal and AOP
Dam Removal and AOPDam removal and improved aquatic organism passage (AOP) restore the natural flow of a river, allowing fish and other aquatic species to access critical upstream habitats for spawning and migration, which boosts biodiversity and population recovery.
- Improves water quality
- Improves sediment transport
- Increases biodiversity and population recovery
- Reduces flood risks
Soil Carbon Sequestration
Soil HealthSoil carbon sequestration helps mitigate climate change by capturing and storing carbon dioxide in the soil, reducing greenhouse gas levels.
- Enhances soil health
- Improves water retention
- Improves nutrient cycling
- Supports sustainable land management
Environmental Mitigation
Sediment Inactivation
Nutrient Offsets – In-Water BodySediment inactivation is a process that reduces the bioavailability of nutrients and contaminants in sediments, preventing their release into the water column and improving overall water quality.
- Improves water quality
- Enhances aquatic habitat health
- Supports the recovery of fish populations
Upland Restoration
Water Storage/RechargeUpland restoration improves biodiversity and enhances ecosystem resilience in areas like grasslands, forests, and scrublands.
- Prevents soil erosion
- Improves water infiltration
- Supports carbon sequestration
- Provides wildlife habitat
Desert Species
Species Habitat Restoration & ConservationPermanently protected habitats for desert tortoises, bighorn sheep and other special-status species are restored and conserved via RES mitigation sites.
- Protects biodiversity
- Targets areas of conservation priority
- Often extends wildlife corridors, a RES priority in site selection
Rogue Valley Mitigation/Conservation Bank
Jackson County, Oregon
Grassland Species
Species Habitat Restoration & ConservationPermanently protected habitats for burrowing owls, Swainson’s hawks, and other special-status species are restored and conserved via RES mitigation sites.
- Protects biodiversity
- Targets areas of conservation priority
- Often extends wildlife corridors, a RES priority in site selection
BHP Terrebonne Biodiversity and Resiliency Projects
Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Laguna Terrace East Conservation Bank
Sacramento County, California
Campbell Ranch Conservation Bank
Solano County, California
Wetland Species
Nutrient Offsets – In-Water BodySpecies Habitat Restoration & ConservationPermanently protected habitats for California Tiger Salamander, Salt harvest mouse, giant garter snake, and other special-status species are restored and conserved via RES mitigation sites.
- Protects biodiversity
- Targets areas of conservation priority
- Often extends wildlife corridors, a RES priority in site selection
Deadman Creek Conservation Bank
Merced County, California
Elsie Gridley Mitigation Bank
Solano County, California
Aquatic Species
Species Habitat Restoration & ConservationPermanently protected habitats for longfin smelt, giant garter snakes, Carolina heelsplitter mussels, and other special-status species are restored and conserved via RES mitigation sites.
- Protects biodiversity
- Targets areas of conservation priority
- Often extends wildlife corridors, a RES priority in site selection
Liberty Island Conservation Bank
Yolo County, California
Ridge Cut Giant Garter Snake Conservation Bank
Yolo County, California
North Delta Fish Conservation Bank
Yolo County, California
Carolina Heelsplitter Species Conservation Bank
Lancaster County, South Carolina
Forested Species
Species Habitat Restoration & ConservationPermanently protected habitats for bats, gopher tortoises, panthers, and other special-status species are restored and conserved via RES mitigation sites.
- Protects biodiversity
- Targets areas of conservation priority
- Often extends wildlife corridors, a RES priority in site selection
Indiana Statewide Bat Conservation Bank
Greene County, Indiana
Pennsylvania Statewide Bat Conservation Bank
Greene County, Pennsylvania
Highlands Ranch Gopher Tortoise Recipient Site Phase II
Clay County, Florida
Chiefland 161 Gopher Tortoise Recipient Site
Levy County, Florida
Seagrass Mitigation
Wetland and StreamMost common in Florida, seagrass mitigation restores, creates or enhances seagrass to offset damage to nearby seagrass communities, caused by development.
- Stabilizes sediments and keeps them from resuspending in the water column
- Creates habitats for fish, crustaceans, and shellfish
- Serves as a direct and indirect food source for local marine life
USACE, Key Biscayne 145-Acre Seagrass Assessment
Miami-Dade County, Florida
Riparian Mitigation
Wetland and StreamMost common in California, riparian mitigation rebuilds the structure and hydrology of this important “”transition zone”” between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
- Re-established vegetation and floodplain connectivity.
- Manages invasive species
- Reconfigures impaired streams to restore natural hydrology
Buck Run Restoration Site I and II
Allegheny and Washington Counties, Pennsylvania